Making a Splash in Spain!!

A big Splash in Spain!
Spain’s premiere lifestyle magazine “Spend-In“,  is featuring my work this month!
In an issue dedicated to the sea, they found that my unique perspective on water gives people something to think about. I have spent a lot of time in southern Spain and am so excited to see the people there embracing my work.

See more of my Sea pics at my website…:)

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Si comer debiera ser una diversión, con las fotografías culinarias del artista Matthew Carden se nos abre un hambre terrible por un arte conceptual pero comprensible, asible. Sus imágenes forman el menú perfecto: Dos platos, postre y café en la mejor compañía.

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Winning With Wine


We have a winner!

The 2015 PDN Photography Annual is a prestigious international contest. It records this year’s most compelling images, from highly visible ad campaigns and editorials, to photojournalism stories, to personal series from established photographers. My little people stood out amongst the biggest fishes (photographers) in the world with my series for the Maryland winery Big Cork Vineyards.

Photo District News Advertising Winners

Photo District News Advertising Winners

My work will be published in the June Issue of PDN, and is currently on the PDNAnnual online website in the winners gallery. I am honored to be included with these great artists and would like to thank the panel of judges. We are looking forward to attending the winners celebration in New York City in June…..unnamed

What is PDN?

The PDN Photo Annual, now in its 15 year, is a celebration of innovative work by photographers from all over the world. The 2015 competition drew thousands of entries in ten categories, including Advertising/Corporate Work, Magazine/Editorial, Photojournalism/Documentary, Sports, Self-Promotion, Photo Books, Personal Work, Stock Photography, Video, and Student Work

Star Wars Sucks!

We all know how much I love Star Wars… So, we all know what I mean by “sucks” here…:) A delicious Darth and a couple of sweet droids are just part of the series…. Check out the rest of the POP Icons at my site.  Every May 4th I try to think of a great way to celebrate Star Wars, I think this is a very sweet way to celebrate May!


They’re Grrreat!

Kellogg’s Commission….
I get a lot of interesting commissions, and this one was particularly fun.
The challenge was to use Kellogg’s cereals to create scene(s)!
Specific cereals, based on specific hobbies and interests. We started with horses, then ended up with skiers.
Think you know your cereals?
Match the cereal with th
e scene.


Nantucket and Nantucket Live and in Person

The Marsh “Nantucket” Show(s)
“Nantucket” joins “Nantucket” for a limited time only!
My “CAKE – Nantucket” series is live in Berkeley at a The Marsh Theater during Mark Kenward’s  fantastic one man play titled “Nantucket” .
A strange experience in my past connected me with long time friend/playwright/director/performer Mark Kenward.
My work and his really support each other in a weird way….check it out if you can! Information HERE.

The mysterious 7th image…

Until now the 7th (and somewhat sunny)  image in the Cake -Nantucket series was unreleased.
See it live in Berkeley!!!
And see them all at Matthew Carden

Flashback: The Phone Books Are Here, The Phone Books Are Here

Marin Open Studios 2013 flashback
It seems like only yesterday…..

Marin Open Studios pick for the cover of the 2013/2014 yellow pages…:)

My Carrot Farmers really enjoyed their time on the cover!

Thanks Don McCartney for making that happen!

Chocolate Bears

It’s sweet, it’s scary, it comes in three flavors!
Here’s the new series that premiered  in the Palm Springs show with Super Fresh Gallery…..These luscious bears come in a limited edition of 5, so get them before they melt away.